Are Your Struggling to Get Job?

Get Your Dream Job in Next 30 Days

(Just Like Our 5450+ Previous Students Got by Following the Career Launchpad Kit)

Do You Know?

1 Crore Students Pass Out From Colleges Every Year

And Hardly 27% Get The Job (As Per Statista Report)

The situation is Really Critical!

This Career Kit will help you to come in these 27%

Get This Kit If-

  • Your Resume is not getting Shortlisted
  • You don’t know how to build an ATS-Friendly Resume
  • You are struggling to search for the right Job
  • You are not getting enough interview calls despite applying for several jobs.
  • You are not feeling Confident about your Next Interview
  • You are jobless and actively looking for a job

80% of Job-Seekers are Searching Jobs Wrong Way!

You need to learn the Right Method and Strategy for Searching for Your Dream Job. In This Kit, You will get all the material, Methods and Strategies which will help you to get the Right Job.

What You Will Get

We have Covered Everything You Need to Get Your Dream Job

ATS-Friendly Resume

Easily Customizable ATS_ Friendly Resume Which You can Use to Apply for any Kind of Jobs

Cover Letters

Easily Customizable and Ready to use Cover letters which You can use in Any Job Application

LinkedIn Optimization

LinkedIn Profile Creation and Optimization. Learn The Strategies to Grow Your Network and Reach out to Employers actively hiring.

Job Portal Profile Optimization

How to Create and Optimize Your profile on Job Portals Like,, etc.

Most Asked HR Interview Q&A

Most Asked Questions with Answers asked by HR. You don't need to look anywhere else for these questions

100+ Most Asked Interview Q&A

100+ Most asked Interview Questions and Answers curated by Industry experts

Job Search Strategies

Learn How to Search Job Effectively. You will learn the Right Methods and Strategies

Mock Interview Preparation

Mock Interview plays a great role before your real interview. You get to know your weaknesses and it gives you confidence.

Interview Strategies & Preparation

Your future is decided in the Interview whether you will get a job or not. So you don't want any stone unturned to clear the interview

Everything is Covered, You Need to Get Your Dream Job!

Our Students Work at

Increase Your Chance of Selection in MNCs and Big Corporates

Getting Your Dream Job

Is not Hard Anymore

A lot of People are not aware of the right Method, They Just see a job opening and blindly hit the apply button. But, If You know the Right Method and Strategy then you can beat the competition easily and get your dream job. 

What People Says About Career LaunchPad Kit

Don't trust us. First See what Our previous students say about us.

This Career Kit is a Life savior. as a Fresher Graduate, I was wondering how to create a Resume and Cover Letter. I was also not sure what questions I needed to Prepare for the interview. But I Found everything in this kit. I have created my ATS-Friendly resume with the help of this kit. I have received several interview calls. Now, I also feel more confident.

Mayank MBA Student

I tried applying for hundreds of jobs but had no luck. I was upset and almost gave up. But Then I got to know about this Kit. Initially I was not convinced as the price was too low so i thought it might be a scam or may be the quality is not good, But i listened to my gut and paid for this. This was the best decision I took and I would like to thank to Digitalglad app for creating this kit as by following this kit I have now received so many interview calls.

Nikita Singh Job-Seeker

I have recently graduated and unfortunately I could not got the job in my campus placement. I was really not usre if I could make this as I applied for several Jobs but got no interview calls. Fortunately I came across the Insta Ad for this Kit. As The price was low so i tried. I was surprised to know that I was really making a big mistake by applying for the job without the customized TAS Friendly Resume. Thank you DigitalGlad Academy for this kit, I got my interview call.

Sanyuja Chavan B.Tech Mechanical Student

As a Fresher in the Job Market, it's always overwhelming to handle so many things like creating a Resume, Writing Cover letters, Applying for Job and Preparing for an interview along with other things. But I am fortunate enough that I learned about this Kit from one of my friends who already got a job with the help of this kit.

Diksha Gupta MBA in HR

I was struggling to get the job. I used to apply 10-15 jobs per day and applied for almost 100+ Jobs but never got to hear from anywhere. I was wondering what was wrong I was doing and why I was not getting any interview calls. I was really frustrated. But, One fine day I saw the ad about this Kit and I immediately purchased it and Today I am really happy to know what all mistakes I was making. I have corrected them. Now, I send a customized Resume and cover letter for each job and I get 4 Interview calls out of 10 jobs I apply.

Sainab B.Sc. Graduate

I was a little hesitant to buy this but purchased it and I must say that even our college campus placement cell could not help us so much with what we got from this kit. This Kit is just amazing as everything is covered which we need to secure a job. This kit has step by step guidance on Resume building, Cover letter writing and Interview preparation. Guys, Don't think twice, just Go for it.

Khushi Kumari B.Tech Computer Science

Only 15 Minutes Left for This Price, Grab It Now!

(Once The Clock Hits 0, The Price will Reach to 4999/- Again )


Frequently Asked Questions

Got a Question?

What Exactly I am Getting in This Kit?

In This Kit, You will Get Customizable ATS-Friendly Resumes and Cover Letters, LinkedIn Profile Optimization, Job Portal Profile Optimization, HR Interview Q&A, 100+ Most Asked Interview Q&A, Job Preparation and Mock Interview Kit

Why The Price is So Low?

Price Is kept low so that Every student can afford this Kit and can get benfits out of it. It's Affordable but not cheap.

How Will I Use This KIt?

Don't Worry All The Instructions Given with Video Tutorials on how to use this Kit.

Who This Kit is For?

This Kit is designed by Industry Experts for Undergraduate Students, Recently graduated and Job-Seekers looking for Job. This kit will help everybody who is actively looking for a job.

I am Still Studying, Will this Help me?

Of course, This will help you. You can prepare in advance for the job you want to apply in future. You can use this Kit to face the campus interview

How This Kit will Help me in Getting Job?

In This Kit, You will get the material with the Proper Guidance and Strategies you need to get your dream Job. You just need to follow the instructions carefully.

This site is not a part of the Facebook™ website or Facebook™ Inc. Additionally, This site is NOT endorsed by Facebook™ in any way. FACEBOOK™ is a trademark of FACEBOOK™, Inc. As stipulated by law, we can not and do not make any guarantees about your ability to get results or get job with our ideas, information, tools or strategies. we just want to help you by giving great content, direction and strategies that worked well for many of Our students and that we believe can help you move forward. All of our terms, privacy policies and disclaimers for this program and website can be accessed via the links. we feel transparency is important and we hold ourselves (you & us) to a high standard of integrity. Thanks for stopping by. we hope this Career Kit and content brings you a lot of value & results.